Connecting Youths With Viable Careers

Our employment readiness program opens doors for youths

Building a career is about more than joining the workforce. It's about finding something you enjoy and working hard at it to secure a better future. Empowering Youths of Iowa helps young people do exactly this. Our goal is to help young people find their passions and then connect them to jobs and careers that relate to their passions.

EYI guides each youth in developing a written career goal that relates to their passion and a written plan of action that leads to achievement of that goal.

Some of the additional support from EYI staff and mentors in becoming employment ready includes:

  • Assistance in identifying passions and interests through one-on-one discussions; interest surveys such as My Choice, My Plan, O*Net, and Bring Your A Game; and discussions with and surveys of the youth's parent or guardian.
  • Teaching "soft skills" such as punctuality, respectful communication, following directions, asking for help when needed, and getting along with co-workers.
  • Teaching job seeking skills such as resume building and interviewing.
  • Arranging job shadows and work experiences with local employers related to each youth's passions and interests.
  • Introduction to and instruction in entrepreneurship.
  • Connecting with apprenticeship programs
  • Providing guidance in conducting a college search, scheduling and studying for college placement tests, arranging and getting to college visits, and completing college and financial aid applications.