We now work with Goodwill Industries and St. Lukes Hosptils to provide internships - medical, e-commerce, restaurant management, food preparation, etc

Academic Support

With each youth, EYI will review their progress toward high school graduation and assist each in developing a detailed plan to address all missing requirements for either:

  • High school graduation, or
  • High school equivalency (EYI partners with the Secondary Programs department at Kirkwood Community College to prepare youth for post-secondary.

Through direct instruction by EYI staff and positive role modeling from its volunteer mentors, EYI improves the academic success of each youth by:

1. Developing a growth mindset or belief in their ability to learn, and a belief that learning and graduating will benefit them long-term.

2. Improving study skills and habits such as time management, prioritization, organization, self-advocacy, reading comprehension strategies, writing strategies, and memorization strategies.

3. Providing homework help.

4. Providing support in accessing and using assistive technology and other technology.

5. Providing support in completion of graduation requirements or in preparing for and post-secondary preparation.

6. Providing guidance in conducting a college search, scheduling and studying for college placement tests, arranging and getting to college visits, and completing college and financial aid applications.